Student Surveys

Please find the link to each Student Census below.

Please note: For the Grades 7-8 and Secondary, students must be logged into their BGCDSB account to complete the survey.

BGCDSB Student Census FAQ Video

Student Census Promo - 2022.mp4

About The Census

At the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board, we are committed to providing the very best learning environments so that all students can achieve personal excellence. In order to do this, we must truly understand the needs of students and their families. To help us in this work, we’re excited to announce that next month we will launch our first Student Census.

In April, parents/guardians of students in kindergarten to grade 6 will receive the Student Census to fill out on behalf of their child(ren). Most families will receive the questionnaire in the same envelope as their child’s progress report. If you don’t receive a copy, please check with your child’s teacher.

The questionnaire will take approximately 30 minutes to complete. If you have multiple children in kindergarten to grade 6, you will be asked to fill out a separate questionnaire for each child. Translated versions of the census will also be available from your child’s school or on the Bruce-Grey board’s website:

The census findings will assist the board and our schools to:

  • better understand student populations and school communities

  • identify and eliminate barriers to student success, inclusion and well-being

  • establish effective programs and reallocate resources to where they are needed most

The Student Census is confidential, but it is not anonymous. All collected responses will be stored in a secure, confidential database and will only be accessed by authorized Research staff to identify and summarize trends among Bruce-Grey students. Individual parent questionnaires will not be analyzed. The Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board is committed to the highest levels of privacy and confidentiality in collecting information about students and follows all privacy requirements outlined in the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). The information gathered through the Student Census is collected under the legal authority of the Education Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. E. 2, as amended) for educational and research purposes only.

Participation in the Student Census is voluntary. However, it’s important to note that the higher the completion rate, the richer and more reliable the information will be for school improvement and program planning.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of the Bruce-Grey Catholic School Board’s Student Census?

The census findings will help the board and our schools to:

  • better understand student populations and school communities;

  • identify and eliminate barriers to student success, inclusion and well-being

  • establish effective programs and reallocate resources to where they are needed most

What types of questions are included in the Student Census?

The student census consists of approximately 30 multiple choice questions about student identity, family characteristics, school experiences and student well-being.

Do I need to answer every question on the census?

The Student Census is voluntary. You may choose to skip questions if you do not wish to provide answers, or choose not to participate at all. However, it’s important to note that the higher the completion rate, the richer and more reliable the information will be for school improvement and program planning.

I have multiple children in Kindergarten to Grade 8. Do I need to fill out a separate census for each student?

Yes, you will need to fill out a separate census for each student. Each questionnaire has a unique, specific code linked to each student's email.

Does my child need to be present when I fill out the questionnaire?

The aim of the Student Census is to capture the voice of all students. You are encouraged to complete the census with your child to capture their thoughts and experiences.

How will my responses be kept confidential?

Once the online questionnaire is submitted, the confidential database will only be accessed by select board personnel and an external research company contracted by the Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board. The Database will be used for analysis and research purposes. This confidential database will be accessed by the Research Department only for analysis and research purposes. These steps comply with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).

How will census data be used?

Once responses are processed and analyzed, the Bruce-Grey Catholic School Board will produce a series of reports to help inform board and school decision-making programs and instruction. Summarized data may also be shared with community partners and government agencies to help improve their services to best meet the needs of their communities. Data reports or analysis will never single out a student. By law, the Bruce-Grey Board cannot reveal individualized information for any student/parent who completes the census.